Spruce Root Board of Directors announces Investment Committee appointees to manage Seacoast Trust Investment Portfolio

November 2, 2022 ~ For immediate release.

Dzánti K'ihéeni (Juneau, Alaska) – The establishment of the Seacoast Trust represents a large-scale shift of investment and decision-making to the communities and peoples of Southeast Alaska. Grounded in Indigenous values, annual earnings from the Seacoast Trust will fund a different kind of conservation: one that understands people and communities are inseparable components of a healthy environment. If we want thriving rivers and forests, we need mechanisms that shift power and resources to the people living here.

Having already reached an initial milestone of raising $20 million, the Trust hopes to expand programs already proven valuable in the region through the Sustainable Southeast Partnership (SSP) — and we plan to grow the Trust to $100 million.

Oversight for the Seacoast Trust is housed at Spruce Root. To direct and manage the Seacoast Trust investment portfolio, the Spruce Root Board of Directors recently appointed a six-member Investment Committee. We are grateful for the service of the following members of this new Investment Committee composed of Tlingit & Haida tribal citizens and Sealaska shareholders:

  • 'Wáahlaal Gíidaak Barbara Blake, Alaska Native Policy Center Director for First Alaskans Institute; Sealaska Board of Directors; Native Peoples Action Board of Directors; City and Borough of Juneau Assembly.
  • Aan Shawatk’i Sarah Dybdahl, Senior Director of Cultural Heritage & Education at Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska; Spruce Root Board of Directors.
  • Chi’cut Laird Jones, Kavilco Incorporated Board of Directors, Kasaan Haida Heritage Foundation Board of Directors.
  • Gunnuk’ Anthony Mallott, Sealaska President and Chief Executive Officer; ANCSA Regional Association member and Treasurer; Spruce Root Board of Directors; SSP Steering Committee.
  • Ka Kugesh Leilani Wilson Walkush, Managing Partner & Chief Compliance Officer for Breakwater Investment Group; Goldbelt Board of Directors Secretary; Goldbelt Heritage Foundation Board Vice President.
  • Gah Kith Tin Alana Peterson (ex officio), Spruce Root Executive Director; Sitka Sound Science Center Board of Directors; Outer Coast Board of Trustees.

We are still recruiting members — are you interested in serving on the Investment Committee or supporting the growth of the Seacoast Trust? Do you have expertise in Indigenous knowledge and stewardship, finance, investment banking, legal matters, and/or fundraising? Please reach out to Laurel Stark (laurel@spruceroot.org) for more information.

You can find more about the Seacoast Trust at www.seacoasttrust.org.

About Spruce Root:

Spruce Root is a Native Community Development Financial Institution that provides capital and development services to small businesses and entrepreneurs in Southeast Alaska. We also work to create the conditions for regenerative, values-based economic activity to thrive across this uniquely Indigenous place. We offer workforce development, technical assistance, and facilitation services, and bring partners together to advance and finance community priorities for forging resilient futures.

For more information, visit spruceroot.org, or follow @spruceroot on Facebook, @sprucerootalaska on Instagram, or follow Spruce Root on LinkedIn.

Contact Spruce Root Communications Specialist Tripp J Crouse at tripp@spruceroot.org or by phone 907-306-6475.