Kanga Bay

Kanga Bay, a pet supply store in Sitka features, high-quality treats and toys for cats and dogs.

Julia Bovee wanted to focus on local customers year-round and carry things they would want, but also didn’t want to miss out on the opportunity to capture tourist or visitor sales, like carrying Alaskan-made salmon treats or bandanas: “Lots of fun accessories and gifts that are a little bit more unique and not mass-produced things that might be in other tourist stores.”

“I remember just thinking I was going to do a gift store,” she said. “By the end of that (Business Basics) session, I realized ‘Oh I really need to do some kind of pet supply store,’ and working with the coaches ... really helped me not only think about what I wanted to do but what might be successful and marketable in Sitka.” Julia modeled the store off her favorite specialty pet supply stores in Seattle.

“I knew that I wanted really high-quality treats, toys and supplies for dogs and cats. The goal is to just get the best products out there.”

Partnership with Spruce Root

Julia Bovee is a previous Business Basics participant and a loan recipient.