Michael Ching

CDFI Director

Michael is a graduate of the Kamehameha Schools, a school devoted to Native Hawaiian education and is the first in his family to graduate from college. His early success was in corporate data networks systems which he parlayed into a 20-year family-owned business that earned national accolades for culinary innovation and factory efficiency. Michael affirms his victories and defeats instill insightful client connection based on a deep respect and understanding of the barriers and hurdles that confront developing businesses. Prior to joining Spruce Root as its CDFI Director, Michael was responsible for the life cycles of lending and capitalization of multi-million Community Development Financial Institutions portfolios active with cultural economic development, small business acceleration, affordable housing, farming, food aggregation and workforce development programs. In 2022, Michael received the coveted distinction of the SBA District Director Honoree (Pacific Region).

Favorite thing about Southeast Alaska? The opportunity to participate in developing economic platforms grounded in recovery and rediscovery of Native perspectives, insights, and cultural respect and reverence of mother nature.